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Book Review: “Every Grain of Sand” by David P. Wichman (via Reedsy Discovery)

TITLE: Every Grain of Sand

AUTHOR: David P. Wichman

GENRE: Memoir

THEMES: Recovery, addiction, sexuality, childhood, abuse, life, struggle, spirituality, motivational/inspirational, overcoming obstacles, against all odds, etc.


David P. Wichman, sexual healer, entrepreneur, author and survivor, has written a riveting recovery memoir full of heartache and redemption. Readers are calling it “captivating,” “authentic,” “inspiring,” “beautiful,” and “a masterpiece.” Do yourself a favor and read this memoir. You can purchase the book on the author’s website.

David P. Wichman – author, speaker, sexual healer, and entrepreneur — has written a riveting recovery memoir with co-author Heather Ebert, a life story teeming with deep despair and ultimate triumph.  Wichman’s memoir is a gritty and grotesque depiction of the deep wounds a lifetime of abuse and trauma, drug and alcohol addiction, and debilitating life choices can leave on a person.

The memoir hits the ground running with Wichman’s foreboding incarceration, opening a rock-bottom chapter in his life when the laundry list of illegal and destructive acts of his past finally catch up with him. Wichman writes “My life pivoted sharply in September 2005, and after decades of struggle and failure, I found my way to freedom from my addictions, as well as an abiding gratitude for the wonder of my own existence.”

He tells the story of a troubled soul, a lost boy whose life was forever altered by catastrophic events outside his control. He spends decades trapped in desperate situations, most of them initially inflicted by others – but many of them self-inflicted as he grows into a displaced adulthood, physically and emotionally.  There are moments when the reader might feel overwhelmed, but Wichman’s experiences and perspectives are well worth exploring until the last page.

The seamless balance of light and dark frees this often-heavy memoir from being potentially morose. The content itself is far from pleasant, but the writing is substantive and beautifully poised. Best of all, the reward for riding this roller coaster is a man’s eventual spiritual discovery, personal and professional enlightenment, and hard-won optimism for life over death. This story is brutal, but it is vital.

NOTE: This book is replete with sensitive topics and events. The descriptions of childhood sexual abuse, adult sex work, and drug use might be overwhelming for some readers.

From the book’s dedication

Here’s what readers are saying about the book.

My review was originally published on Reedsy Discovery.

For more information about the book, please visit Mr. Wichman’s website.

See you soon with more great reads!

Take Care,

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UPDATE: Adventures as a Freshly-Minted Reedsy Discovery Book Reviewer

Hi Bookish Friends! A little update for you all —

As of May 8, 2020, I became an official reader/reviewer for a book-discovery website called Reedsy Discovery. My application was approved and now I’m staying busy and entertained reading and reviewing various independent titles, before and after publication. I am so excited to be a member of the site; I can’t wait to discover more independent gems!

The publishing world would be much less interesting without self-publishing formats and indie presses. Not every author wants or needs to go the way of a “traditional” or “mainstream” publisher. Honestly, many of those publishers wouldn’t know a great story if it smacked them in the face. I’ll read just about any book, regardless of the publisher. As long as it’s an interesting story with great proofreading/editing, I’m there!

The first book I discovered on the Reedsy platform was the spiritual recovery memoir “Every Grain of Sand” by sexual-healer, author, and entrepreneur David P. Wichman. I’ve been sharing articles and information about Mr. Wichman’s memoir (published March 10, 2020) to spread the word about his amazing story.

I made contact with Mr. Wichman after signing up to review his book, which launched today on Reedsy. His story is entirely unique and inspiring, and if you’d like to check it out, here’s a link to his website: My review of Mr. Wichman’s memoir is/will be all over social (Reedsy Discovery, Goodreads, NetGalley, Litsy, Amazon, etc.) but of course I’ll post it here as well. I’m so excited to share this title with the world and witness Mr. Wichman’s future projects 😉

I’ll be spending a lot of my time reading and reviewing for Reedsy Discovery, but I’ll definitely maintain my presence here on the blog. I’ll be checking in from time to time to post updates and reviews, share links to great titles, authors, and publishers, and posting general bookish goodness. You know, the stuff I try to do every now and then anyway. I have been stumped for unique features for the blog beyond reviews and updates, and for now I think that’s all I’ll have time for anyway!

I hope everyone is taking care out there, and following their dreams wherever they may lead…even if they lead you *GASP* outside your home! Seriously, get out there and LIVE YOUR ONE PRECIOUS LIFE! And tell me what you’ve been reading, please, because I still need constant book recommendations! You see that sun shining outside? Take your book out there and enjoy it!

Allison (Readage)

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Banned Books Week 2019: “Censorship Leaves Us In The Dark. Keep The Light On”

Banned Books Week is an annual reading celebration/challenge/event where readers are encouraged to pick up challenged and banned books. Books are still being censored in this country–but we can always do something about it.

Hey Book Lovers 📚❤️

It’s Banned Books Week 2019, an annual reading celebration/challenge/event where readers (and non-readers) everywhere are encouraged to pick up challenged and banned books. What exactly ARE challenged/banned books? I’m so glad you asked!

The American Library Association (ALA) has a lot to say on the subject, and this week is the perfect time to investigate for yourself. Here’s a quick blurb from the official ALA website:

Banned Books Week (September 22-28, 2019) is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Typically held during the last week of September, it spotlights current and historical attempts to censor books in libraries and schools. It brings together the entire book community — librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers of all types — in shared support of the freedom to seek and to express ideas, even those some consider unorthodox or unpopular.

The books featured during Banned Books Week have all been targeted for removal or restriction in libraries and schools. By focusing on efforts across the country to remove or restrict access to books, Banned Books Week draws national attention to the harms of censorship.

Click here for a list of recently (within the last few years) challenged or banned books, so you can know exactly which titles to pick up and read!

Now that you know a little more about BBW and the awesome organization behind this great event, you can join the fight against censorship and celebrate the books you love. Even if you decide to read a book precisely because it has been targeted, you are still fighting the good fight to keep our beloved books on the shelves!!

So, tell me…which targeted titles excite you the most? Feel free to comment with your picks for this special week. And, of course, make a habit of reading banned books all year long!!

Happy “Forbidden” Reading,

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2-minute book review: “Furiously Happy” by Jenny Lawson (audiobook)

Rory the Raccoon is “Furiously Happy” on the cover of Jenny Lawson’s book

2-minute book review:

How can anyone prepare for their first Jenny Lawson experience?! I thought it would be a “quirky” read. I was so naive! I thought some parts were incredibly obnoxious; the 3 stars are for her straight-from-the-heart words about her extreme mental illness. Those honest “I’m bat-shit crazy” sections were priceless and worth the cost of admission. I’m going to try her first book soon, so don’t worry: I’m not scarred for life! When all else fails, WAVE YOUR CRAZY FLAG! Jenny does–and she makes it kinda funny. Listen on audiobook or you’re REALLY missing out!

3/5 ⭐️ ya’ll

PICK UP THIS BOOK IF: you enjoy laughing at extremely inappropriate life stuff and other peoples’ suffering

AVOID THIS BOOK IF: you don’t like bat-shit crazy rambling nonsense and/or books about severe mental illness…because that’s very much what this book is–which isn’t to say it doesn’t have its redeeming qualities to those who can appreciate the weirdness

Posted in bookish, books, cool stuff, Dewey's, Dewey's 24-hour Read-a-thon, events, fellow bloggers, fellow readers, fiction, non-fiction, novels, read-a-thon, reading, reading life, social media, stacks, upcoming

Who’s ready for Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon 10-year anniversary?! ;-)

Who’s ready for Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon on Saturday, October 21? I am! This year marks the 10-year anniversary of this wonderful event. Stay tuned for updates. I’ll be blogging and reviving the ol’ book blog (at least for the readathon).

Ready for the biggest reading party of the DECADE? So are we! We’re celebrating 10 years of Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon, and if you’d like to READ during the event, sign up here! Do you have to read the whole 24 hours? NOOOO! Do what ya can. We’d love to have you! We will have…

via October 2017 READER Sign-Ups! — Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon

Posted in book addiction, book hoarding, books, currently reading, features, fiction, goodreads,, in progress, libraries, library lends, mailbox monday, new releases, new stuff, non-fiction, novels, public library, publishing, reading, reading challenge, reading goals, reading life, reading lists, stacks, TBR, upcoming, updates, winter reads

mailbox monday

//MAILBOX MONDAY: new releases on my radar, incoming, outgoing, currently reading, read, up next…//

  • UP NEXT: books to pull off the shelf soon

That’s it for this week, friends! See you next time for another Mailbox Monday sampling! 😉

Your Friend in Books,


Posted in blog followers, bloggers, blogging, blogs, book + recipe/drink, book addiction, books, commentary, cool stuff, Dewey's, Dewey's 24-hour Read-a-thon, events, fall reads, fellow bloggers, fellow readers, fiction, holidays, images, non-fiction, novels, read-a-thon, reading, reading and drinking, reading challenge, reading goals, reading life, stacks, thoughts

Hour 12-Coffee Is Your Best Friend

HOUR 12 IS UPON US, MY FRIENDS! And if you’re looking at this post right now, you’re kick-butt because you’ve made it to the halfway point and you’re still here! YAY YOU!

I apologize to the non-coffee-drinkers amongst us, but right about now you’re needing something to keep you going! Since everything else is illegal, YAY FOR COFFEE!  Not hating on tea but coffee is just boss, and this post is to encourage coffee-lovers to pour another cup! There’s actually a lot of encouraging research pointing to the fact that coffee is pretty darn good for us–in moderation, of course.

If you’d like to take a break and read about coffee (it’s still reading and it counts!), feel free to check out the links below:

DISCLAIMER: Of course, friends, don’t drink more coffee than is right for you. And remember to rest and sleep up well when the ‘thon concludes! We don’t want anyone getting sick or having severe read-a-thon jetlag. This post does NOT in any way encourage the over-consumption of coffee or caffeine. Enjoy responsibly! 😉

Enjoy your cup and get back to kickin’ those pages! It’s been fun hosting Hours 11 & 12 but I’m signing off. Now I must get back to my own reading and my lovely java juice. Cheers!

Your Friend in Books & Coffee,


Posted in blog followers, bloggers, blogging, blogs, book addiction, books, commentary, cool stuff, currently reading, Dewey's, Dewey's 24-hour Read-a-thon, events, fall reads, fellow bloggers, fellow readers, fiction, images, non-fiction, novels, read-a-thon, reading, reading goals, reading life, social media, stacks, thoughts, upcoming

It’s time for Dewey’s on 10/22!

dewey11Can you believe it’s already that time of year again?! On Saturday, October 22nd, we celebrate yet another wonderful Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-thon! I am so excited to say I have even more responsibility this time around. I’ll be hosting Hours 11 and 12 on the (sadly neglected) blog here and also on the official Dewey’s web site. Andi and Heather have given me the keys to the castle. I am drunk on power…not really, but I feel pretty darn special!


I’ve already set aside my TBR pile and now I must brainstorm some ideas for co-hosting duties. I’m beyond psyched to be a part of this event and the Dewey’s community. I’ll be doing more reading this time around because I’m determined to take a break from social media during the event. Of course, I’ll have hosting duties for those 2 hours and will be glad for the break during the half-way point. Other than that, I’ll be off Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the blog, etc. so I can actually get some reading done. I’ve decided not to cheer this time, although we could always use more cheerleaders for our awesome readers!

Will you join us for yet another awesome reading marathon? If you’d like more information, please check out the following link: We’d love to have you! READ ON and I’ll see you all later! (By the way, sorry I’ve been absent on the blog).

Stay thirsty (for books), my friends,


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Flashback Friday

//FLASHBACK FRIDAY…where I take a look back at my Readage from years past, and reflect upon my interests and reading-related memories…//

1 YEAR AGO, I was reading:

  • Yes Please, by Amy Poehler, 2014

2 YEARS AGO, I was reading:

  • And Furthermore, by Judi Dench, 2010

Short post for now, be back later with more stuff. School is starting up Monday so my time on the blog will be limited, but I hope to make an appearance from time to time!

Have a great bookish weekend,


Posted in book addiction, book hoarding, books, currently reading, features, fiction, goodreads,, in progress, libraries, library lends, mailbox monday, new releases, new stuff, non-fiction, novels, public library, publishing, reading challenge, reading goals, reading life, reading lists, stacks, summer reads, TBR, upcoming, updates

Mailbox Monday

//MAILBOX MONDAY: new releases on my radar, incoming, outgoing, currently reading, read, up next…//

  • UP NEXT: books to pull off the shelf soon

Your Friend in Books,
