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#SerialSunday: Updates

#SerialSunday: a quick blog feature where I post Serial Reader progress updates and highlight a recently read selection. For more information about the Serial Reader app, click here:


“The Five Orange Pips” (Sherlock Holmes) by Arthur Conan Doyle, 1891, Quick Bite: Sherlock Holmes investigates a series of sudden deaths connected with an apparently omnipotent secret society. PROGRESS: 35%

“The Five Orange Pips” (Sherlock Holmes) by Arthur Conan Doyle, 1891, Progress: 35%


“Ten Days in a Mad-House” by Nellie Bly, 1887, Quick Bite: The result of an undercover investigation into the brutality and neglect at the Women’s Lunatic Asylum on Blackwell’s Island.

“Ten Days in a Mad-House” by Nellie Bly, 1887, Status: To Be Read

“Wired Love” by Ella Cheever Thayer, 1880, Quick Bite: Romance is sparked across telegraph lines between people who have not even seen one another. Can you imagine?

“Wired Love” by Ella Cheever Thayer, 1880, Status: To Be Read

“Why Is the Negro Lynched?” by Frederick Douglass, 1895, Quick Bite: Douglass attacks the concept of “the negro problem” in post-Civil War America, showing how it is instead “a great national problem” with racism entrenched in the systems of society.

“Why Is the Negro Lynched?” by Frederick Douglass, 1895, Status: To Be Read


Title: “Anne of Avonlea” (Anne of Green Gables #2)

Author: L.M. Montgomery

Year: 1909

Genre(s): Classics / Canadian Literature / Children’s / Young Adult / Romance

Format: novel

Read on the Serial Reader app

Rating: 4 / 5 stars

Read: July 3, 2020

Notes: can’t put down, classics, novels, new-to-me author, ebook, digital reads, Serial Reader app

Quick Synopsis: The second chapter of Anne Shirley’s life, following her years teaching at Avonlea school. Includes everyone’s favorite foul-mouthed parrot!

Comments: I enjoyed the second book almost as much as the first. Great series; I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to get caught up in Anne Shirley’s world!

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OPINION: “Anne with an E,” Ahead by A Century: Why the Show Was Too Much for the Modern World

First thing we’d climb a tree
And maybe then we’d talk
Or sit silently
And listen to our thoughts
With illusions of someday
Cast in a golden light
No dress rehearsal
This is our life

— “Ahead by a Century,” The Tragically Hip

“An Inward Treasure is Born” (Season 1, Episode 4)

In between daily nursings, bottle feedings, nappy changes, fussy time, playtime, and the beloved naptime, I carve out time for a humble little Netflix show called “Anne with an E.” Based on the classic “Green Gables” and “Avonlea” books by L.M. Montgomery — a series I am just now exploring — the show debuted in March 2017, ran for three seasons with promise of a fourth, but was discontinued in November 2019. Fans of the show took to the internet in hopes of saving the show, to no avail. (I didn’t start watching the show until this time, or I certainly would have protested the end of “Anne.”)

According to representatives for the show, the reason for the cancellation was the disintegrating partnership between the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company) and Netflix. Basically, the CBC didn’t want to partner with Netflix for big-budget series to help further Netflix’s economic security ahead of their own. As usual, it came down to money and self-serving interests. However, like Anne, I have an overactive imagination and I can think of several reasons why the show probably would not have lasted in today’s world. (I’m surprised it made it to three seasons).

“What We Have Been Makes Us What We Are” (Season 2, Episode 16)

“Anne” is too much! She’s too honest, loving, intelligent, bold, dramatic, passionate, etc. a character for most viewers to relate to

We are living in a one-dimensional world, and I see evidence of it everywhere in modern society, especially entertainment. I contend that “Anne” the character, and the show itself, are too intelligent for many – certainly not all — viewers tuning in to platforms like Netflix. Most streaming offerings cater to the masses with bright-colored, flimsy fluff that has little substance. Everything seems too predictable, and most plots are thin and devoid of soul. The few shows like “Anne” that tend toward something a little different, something much deeper and meaningful…well, they tend to crash and burn while still in their prime.

“Anne” the character is certainly intense, but everything about her personality seems to be what is missing from modern entertainment. She’s meant to be exasperatingly funny, dramatic, intelligent, creative, passionate, frustrating, mind-boggling, etc. She’s both unpredictable and a contradiction in terms, with her head in the clouds and her feet firmly planted on the ground. Her soppy enthusiasm for life isn’t as inane as it first appears, in either the book or show, for she’s not boundlessly happy. She has dark and sad moments where she’s utterly hopeless and melancholy. She’s anything but a one-dimensional character, and sadly, I’m afraid she’s just too much for the modern viewer. In reflecting our own natures right back at us, Anne’s intensity might be her downfall.

“Struggling Against the Perception of Facts” (Season 2, Episode 15)

The show addresses serious themes and issues (like abuse, racism, sexism/gender inequality, xenophobia, discrimination based on sexual orientation/differing lifestyles, family/societal pressures, etc.) and it gets heavy often

I am nearing the end of the show, and plan to watch it again in the future. (I am reading the second book “Anne of Avonlea” so I cannot speak for the content of the book series yet.) “Anne” is one of those shows where you have to think and feel and reflect and a lot of people don’t want to do that. Especially during current times, when the stress of everyday can feel overwhelming enough, we don’t want to think about the heavy items in life. But shows like “Anne” force us to, and there are precious few moments of true escape when faced with such serious entertainment.

“Anne” takes place during the late 19th century in the fictional community of Avonlea, on Prince Edward Island, Canada, and finds the feisty redhead fighting for social justice in some capacity almost every episode. Each forty-plus-minute episode (27 total) addresses significant issues facing society, proving that Bob Dylan wasn’t completely accurate; the times haven’t changed as much as we’d like to believe.

Throughout the short-lived series, Anne fights valiantly for many principles and people in her close-knit circle: she works to educate and enlighten Matthew’s hired help Jerry Baynard; she pushes for community acceptance of Cole Mackenzie, a gay classmate, friend, and fellow creative; she campaigns on behalf of the unconventional “schoolmarm” Miss Muriel Stacy; and perhaps fights hardest throughout the trials and tribulations of her friendship with “kindred spirit” Diana Barry. Throughout the show, Anne struggles to come to terms with her past, and the revelations surrounding her parents and her adoption history set up and sustain the show’s overarching drama. There is nothing half-ass about Anne’s fighting spirit, and the themes get heavy, maybe too heavy if one is not in the mood for it.

Racism and xenophobia also play a role in the series, as do themes of gender inequality and family/societal pressures. None of this is easy to digest, in entertainment or the real world. Again, “Anne with an E” provides multi-dimensional perspectives and considerations of these issues, allowing Anne to serve as moral guide and/or conscience. This might feel like emotional and mental “homework” to much of today’s viewers.

“Signs are Small Measurable Things, but Interpretations are Illimitable” (Season 2, Episode 9)

I’m afraid the show, even with its adventures and misadventures, isn’t “riveting” enough for most

“Riveting” means “completely engrossing, compelling,” and as mentioned above, while these themes and issues are exactly that, many people don’t turn to entertainment to indulge in those things, but to escape them; “Anne” does not provide that luxury. Personally, I’m thankful for TV shows that require more than just a basic attention span, making me think and feel. That’s my idea of “riveting,” but I’m strange like that.

For many, “riveting” media includes at least some of the following elements: sex/nudity, action/adventure, violence/gore, shock and awe, various modes of vulgarity, etc. and without those things, many modern shows suffer. (I’m shocked that “Game of Thrones” didn’t air for 18 seasons, considering those elements were available in surplus. I stopped watching “GOT” after a few seasons because I saw that it was just another gimmick.) “Anne” is as far from a gimmick as one can get, and there were enough of us watching who would have loved to continue the “riveting” conversations the show put forth. As usual, these good things must come to an often-premature end.

“What Can Stop the Determined Heart” (Season 3, Episode 20)

Those who haven’t read the books probably aren’t interested

Even though I almost passed on the show because I haven’t read the series yet, I am glad that I took a chance on this one. The script is great, with a wonderful cast, and visualizing the characters while reading adds to the enjoyment for me. Those who have not cracked the cover of the first book are not likely to dive into a wholly unfamiliar show, and 27 episodes is a big commitment for people who haven’t already fallen in love with the likes of Anne, Marilla, Matthew, Mrs. Rachel Lynde, and other various characters.

“The Growing Good of the World” (Season 2, Episode 17)

As a self-described “old soul,” I find it hard to dive deep into today’s media. There’s not much available for people like me who crave shows with heart, intellect, and passion. Forget the sex, violence, drug use, etc. that has come to define most of the entertainment industry; “Anne” is and always will be more my speed, and I’m not going to apologize for that. No accounting for taste, but there’s also no accounting for common sense. What is common sense, really, in a world where “Anne with an E” was cancelled right when it was just getting started?

So, just what was this humble little show accomplishing before it was cruelly struck down, financial bottom line or otherwise?

Bringing critical issues to the forefront of discussion? Check.

Not relying on gratuitous elements to attract an audience? Check.

Bridging the gap between classic literature and modern entertainment? Check.

Showing the modern world that humanity, humility, and grace are still quite possible, despite signs everywhere saying otherwise? Check.

Highlighting the importance of reading, books, and having an imagination? Check.

The wonderful universe of “Anne with an E” is just too much for the world — and probably always will be. Too bad because I relished the idea of season 4. But I’ll move on, for Season 1 Episode 6 is titled “Remorse is the Poison of Life” and isn’t that the truth!

Let me know what you think about this commentary; please share your thoughts!

  • “Anne with an E” is available on Netflix for your viewing pleasure.
  • L.M. Montgomery’s classic series is available in several formats, including the convenient Serial Reader app.
Lucy Maud Montgomery’s books on Anne Shirley:
BookDate publishedAnne Shirley’s ageTimeline year
1Anne of Green Gables190811–161876–1881
2Anne of Avonlea190916–181881–1883
3Anne of the Island191518–221883–1887
4Anne of Windy Poplars (Canada and USA)
Anne of Windy Willows (UK and Australia)
5Anne’s House of Dreams191725–271890–1892
6Anne of Ingleside193934–401899–1905

Allison Barilone [send her mail] writes about the books she and her 8-month-old son read together in the blog Baby Stole My Book. Her first blog is called { pages for breakfast }, formerly Readage. She is passionate about literacy and maintains a rigorous social media presence to stay connected to the bookish world. She daydreams of libraries in between changing nappies. Her motto is: “Don’t look back, you’re not going that way,” unless the library is in that direction, then of course go back.

Posted in bookish, books, children, commentary, Dewey's, Dewey's 24-hour Read-a-thon, events, favorites, fellow bloggers, fellow readers, fiction, goodreads,, images, importance of reading, literacy, novels, personal, posts, raising readers, read-a-thon, reading, reading life, thoughts, young adult

Readathon Hour 2 Mini-Challenge: Our Bookish Childhoods


If you’re like me, you can’t remember what life was like before you learned how to read. (And you probably don’t want to.) We bookworms have been doing this so long it’s as natural as breathing. Some of us learned young, others learned later in life, but we all have one thing in common: someone read to us when we were growing up and kicked off our lifelong love of reading and books. Some important person in our lives took the time to sit with us and enunciate and turn pages and laugh and generally bond over a book. No matter how long it’s been, these are precious memories for most of us.

For this mini-challenge, I thought it would be fun to take a stroll down memory lane and link our TOP 5 BOOKISH CHILDHOOD MOMENTS with the PEOPLE and the BOOKS that made them so special! It’s pretty simple, as long as  you’ve got your memories! I will start things off with my own TOP 5 BOOKISH CHILDHOOD MOMENTS as an example you can follow. I hope it doesn’t take any time at all for the childhood memories to come flooding back and re-ignite the young reader in everyone! (By the way, don’t worry about linking your titles; just type a quick post with your top 5 books/moments if you are pressed for time.) UNFORTUNATELY, I CANNOT OFFER A PRIZE FOR THIS MINI-CHALLENGE BUT NEVER FEAR, THE AWESOME PEOPLE BEHIND THIS EVENT HAVE PRIZES FOR YOU TO CHOOSE FROM IF YOU CLICK THIS LINK:

bookish childhood

1) My first memorable book experience surrounded The Poky Little Puppy. I remember my mother reading it to me and me reading it later on. I still have a well-read Little Golden Book copy of this childhood classic, and I still smile when thinking about it.

2) Charlotte’s Web…that is all!

3) Another book experience was being about seven or eight years old and really loving the entire series of The Babysitter’s Club. Once I learned to read, I was all about these little-girl books. (I can’t remember my favorite character…was it Claudia? Mary-Anne?)

4) Growing up and entering puberty I was all about the blonde sisters of Sweet Valley High. I only read and owned a few titles but man did I enjoy them!

5) I grew up during the awesome days of Nickelodeon and much of my reading revolved around TV shows on that network, including: The Secret World of Alex Mack, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Goosebumps, Fear Street, and so many others that won’t fit into a mini-challenge post!

What about YOU? Can’t wait to relive our bookish childhoods with everyone!



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Book Review: “Never Broken” by Jewel

JEWEL IN THE ROUGH: Singer-songwriter Jewel Kilcher tells her poetic life story in the emotional memoir “Never Broken: Songs Are Only Half the Story” [Photo courtesy of Parnassus Books]

People living their lives for you on T.V./They say they’re better than you and you agree/He says “Hold my calls from behind those cold brick walls”/Says “Come here boys, there ain’t nothing for free”/Another doctor’s bill, a lawyer’s bill/Another cute cheap thrill/You know you love him if you put in your will but

Who will save your soul when it comes to the flowers now/Huh huh who will save your soul after all the lies that you told, boy/And who will save your souls if you won’t save your own?

I remember 1995.

I remember hearing Jewel’s voice on the radio for the first time. I was only 8 years old, and I didn’t understand many things: her voice, her words, her songs. I was too young to appreciate the magnitude behind the radio hit “Who Will Save Your Soul,” or why anyone needed to sing about souls in the first place. It was beyond me. But now I understand.

I finished her wonderful memoir “Never Broken: Songs Are Only Half the Story” about a week ago, and I can’t stop thinking about it. What’s more, I don’t want to stop thinking about it.  This book does not follow the usual “celebrity memoir” trajectory. This book is not your typical…well, anything. In fact, even calling this book a “celebrity memoir” feels wrong because quite frankly, celebrities just aren’t this retrospective or this transparently convenient. They’re not this human.

Few books–least of all nonfiction–have this impact on me. This book actually shut off the bothersome noise of the outside world, and brought me to a good place. I took the better part of 5 months to read this book. I am so glad I did, because this manuscript is meant for savoring.

This book has so much to offer and reflect upon, I don’t know where to start. I could start with many things: the music, the rough upbringing, the continuing hardships, the poetry, the conquering of fears, the pleasure and pain, all of which find full, satisfying expression in this memoir. After all, these are the reflections of a battered but unbroken soul. But to lay it all out would deny you the pleasure of reading it for yourself. And I want you to have this pleasure.

Jewel Kilcher is an amazing artist who has endured more than her fair share of turmoil and tribulation. She puts it all out there in this book, and reveals the truth of her character on every page. She does not wipe away the bad bits or hold back any emotion; she embraces her roots and makes peace with her past so convincingly that you see she’s really the whole person. Not just an entertainer or artist. But someone you might actually know, or want to know. Someone who’s trying and struggling and searching, but never ceasing.

Jewel Kilcher is a true creative, and the book discusses every major turning point in her life up until this point, creatively and personally. She covers the good, the bad, the ugly, and does not hide from her imperfections and past mistakes. She flavors this memoir with bits of lyrics and full-length poems that she’s so clearly written from the bottom of her heart. She weaves in motivational sections and chapter titles describing how she’s trying to live her best life and her personal convictions. She inspires with every page. She breaks her life story down with such honesty and grit, how can you walk away not knowing and appreciating this side of Jewel?

What I most appreciate about this book is that it’s so very accessible. While it reminds me that she carries many labels (artist, writer, musician, actor, author, etc.), it also reveals the reality of these labels and the life titles that carry so much more weight for her: (daughter, friend, mother, woman, etc.) I think the word I’m looking for is: perspective. Jewel seems to have perspective.

I never knew she had it so rough. I never knew she was so complex. I never knew how inspirational her story was. I never knew how much I needed Jewel’s wisdom in my life. Read this book, if you want to learn more about the artist, the woman, the human. You won’t be disappointed.

five-stars 5/5 stars to “Never Broken: Songs Are Only Half the Story”




Posted in authors, blogs, books, favorites, features, memes, re-blogged, reading life, reading lists, top ten tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday


Although I’m trying hard to come up with my own blog-worthy features, (such as Traffic Thursdays, Frilly-Female Fridays, Slant Sundays, etc), I also want to participate in various, fun features as I discover them on this awesome blogosphere of ours. Here is my first contribution to Top Ten Tuesday, which originated on The Broke and the Bookish.

About Top Ten Tuesday, from The Broke and the Bookish blog:
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We’d love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists! Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don’t have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It’s a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.
This week’s topic is: Top Ten All Time Favorite Authors
For this one, I needed to consult my Goodreads Favorite Authors page.
1) John Irving
Favorite Book That I’ve Read (So Far): The Cider House Rules
Why They’re a Favorite: His beautiful, lyrical writing; his massive tomes of storytelling draw me in so completely.
Last Book Read By: In One Person
Notes: Need some new Irving in my life!
2) Wally Lamb
Favorite Book That I’ve Read (So Far): She’s Come Undone
Why They’re a Favorite: He writes women characters so well!
Last Book Read By: We Are Water
Notes: Own but haven’t yet read I Know This Much Is True
3) Jeffrey Eugenides
Favorite Book That I’ve Read (So Far): Middlesex
Why They’re a Favorite: Middlesex, basically.
Last Book Read By: The Marriage Plot
Notes: The Virgin Suicides was striking as well; I own Middlesex and The Marriage Plot
4) Stephen King
Favorite Book That I’ve Read (So Far): Gerald’s Game, Full Dark No Stars, 11/22/63 (choosing a fave Stephen King is hard, especially since I have not yet read his Dark Tower series or his more seminal works!)
Why They’re a Favorite: It’s STEPHEN KING!
Notes: I know many Stephen King fanatics; it’s ok to be obsessed, the man is a genius worthy of obsession!
5) Chuck Palahniuk
Favorite Book That I’ve Read (So Far): Beautiful You
Why They’re a Favorite: His pure perversion; his gift for making me eerily uncomfortable while also prompting me to think more critically about humanity
Last Book Read By: Lullaby
Notes: I know his books aren’t for the faint of heart, but I’m only slightly embarrassed to admit I’ve read him 🙂
6) Gillian Flynn
Favorite Book That I’ve Read (So Far): Gone Girl
Why They’re a Favorite: Just.Great.Suspenseful.Writing.
Last Book Read By: Sharp Objects
Notes: Sharp Objects and Dark Places were good but not stellar; she’s still a great writer
7) Stieg Larsson
Favorite Book(s) That I’ve Read: Millenium Series (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)
Why They’re a Favorite: The first series I’ve fallen into in a very long time
Notes: Sad that we won’t have any more great books from him 😦
8) Ira Levin
Favorite Book That I’ve Read (So Far): This Perfect Day (been several years)
Why They’re a Favorite: Creepy concepts and written oh so well…
Last Book Read By: Rosemary’s Baby
Notes: Need to keep on with this author
9) Steve Martin
Favorite Book That I’ve Read (So Far): An Object of Beauty
Why They’re a Favorite: Steve Martin is a great entertainer; he is so very talented in all his artistic endeavors
Last Book Read By: An Object of Beauty
Notes: Navin Johnson…that is all
10) Tama Janowitz
Favorite Book That I’ve Read (So Far): Peyton Amberg
Why They’re a Favorite: I’ve only read the one book but I thought it was delicious; I’m pretty sure her others are good too
Last Book Read By: Peyton Amberg
Notes: These two titles: A Cannibal in Manhattan, The Male Cross-Dresser Support Group
Anyone agree that these are awesome authors? Anyone disagree? I can take some discussion over here!
Later, my books and bed beckon me…